Your $12,832.21 Wire is On The Way

This is the exact notifications I wake up to every single morning

In this email, i’ll be running through exactly how you can get a notification like this every single day 

I’ll be going over one key component in specific 

And that is your offer 

To show you the power of what an amazing offer can do for your business, ill be running you through a live example of this

So we were helping one of our clients out with their cold ads strategy and they kept on harping about how there creatives and funnels weren’t where they needed to be 

Now yes, you can and should be always improving your creatives and funnels, but there offer was just like everyone else’s

They ran the same exact fitness offer as everyone else and the minute we saw this, we knew that they needed to improve their offer 

Here’s what we did 

Instead of just targeting weight loss as a whole, we had our client niche down 

The reason we did this is because it’s 10x easier to scale up when you tap into an unsaturated market 

We also had that niche be something that he’s personally gone through 

Since the niche he targeted was something that he’s gone through, he was able to market it way easier 

Within just the first three days of running ads to this offer, he closed three clients on $1k/m retainers and two clients on $3k upfront

That’s a grand total of $9k in cash collected in just 3 days 

But it got even crazier then that 

Within just 30 days of changing up his offer, he was able to hit his first $50k month 

To put this into perspective… his highest month with his old offer was $15k

So if you want us to personally dissect your offer

Simply book in a free strategy call with the link down below 👇